Title: Strategies for Responsive Relationships: The AGILE Framework
Date: 04/26/2024 - 04/26/2024
Duration: 9:30 am - 11:30 pm
Days: 1 Days
Location (Region): Online
Location Name: Live Virtual 
Registration link: http://www.njccis.com/
Training Description: Strategies for Responsive Relationships:
The AGILE Framework This workshop will introduce participants to strategies that assist in creating responsive relationships. We will introduce the AGILE Framework, which reviews the uses of five ways of being that promote responsive relationships: affect, gesture, intonation, latency, and engagement. We will also discuss the difference between reactive and responsive approaches and the reduction of challenging behavior.

Objectives: 1. To review the distinction between reactive and responsive relationships 2. To introduce strategies for creating responsive relationships that can reduce challenging behavior 3. To reflect on and practice strategies for responsive relationships